Elite Title & Escrow LLC
Phone : 703-564-4407 
Email : services@elitetitleescrow.com
  Elite Title & Escrow LLC aim to provide seller a smooth transaction. We will work with your real Agent and all other parties to ensure that the process toward closing is smooth and efficient. If any time you may have question or concern, a member of our professional staff is available to assist you.

Seller's checklist

Confirm the Settlement date and time through your real estate agent or Elite Title. If you know in advance that you cannot attend the settlement, please contact our office to arrange for an approved power attorney.
Transfer utilities out of your name as of the settlement date or a mutual date agreed by both buyer and seller.
Complete all home inspections and repairs in accord with the sales contract.
Bring a photo ID , your forwarding address, garage door opener ( if any) and keys to the property. With you to the settlement.
Obtain wiring instructions from your bank and bring them to settlement if you prefer to have your Proceeds wired. Seller's fund will be distributed upon recordation of the appropriate documents with the county Courthouse. If you require your funds for an immediate home purchase, it is best to let Elite Title & Escrow LLC to close your purchase.

Buyer's checklist

Complete loan application and promptly furnish your lender with all requested documents and information. Purchases should comply with these request documents to avoid closing delays.
Home, Radon and home inspection.
Schedule the settlement date and time through your real estate agent or Elite Title & Escrow. If any purchaser requires power of attorney, please contact our office and your lender for a pre-approved power attorney. The power of attorney has to be specific and precise language.
Obtain and provide a hazard insurance policy satisfactory to your lender.
Termite Inspection
Transfer all utilities into your name as of the date of settlement or a mutual date agreed by both buyer and seller. Ensure that all utilities will be on for your final walkthrough Inspection.
Bring a photo ID and your checkbook to settlement.
Obtain a cashier's check or certified fund payable to Elite Title & Escrow LLC to pay for the balance of your down payment and closing cost